CNC Router
CNC Machining is a subtractive fabrication process, whereby we progressively cut away, or 'subtract' material from a piece of stock to create a finished part.
CNC Router
Axiom CNC
Bed Size: 600mm x 600mm
Pricing is calculated based on your material choice and size.
Important Information
All CNC Routing jobs must be submitted online.
Once final CNC files and payment confirmation have been received, your job will be processed.
For CNC Questions:
Please visit the lab during opening hours and bring your laptop and files.
What can I CNC?
Solid Timber is our most popular material for architectural site models. Ready-made blocks measuring are available to purchase at the price of the material.
Before submitting a form
Ensure the following steps are completed before submitting a CNC submission form:
Complete the DMaF Lab Online Site Induction in your DMaF Lab Hub (Canvas).
Complete the CNC Induction module in your DMaF Lab Hub (Canvas). The CNC module introduces students to basic CNC routing concepts and file setup steps, which are necessary for machining parts on a CNC router. The module is compulsory for all new students who wish to submit a file for CNC routing.
The induction consists of two compulsory components.
CNC Resources
DMaF CNC Tool Library (V1-1) (29.03.2022)
DMaF Post Processor (V1-4) (29.03.2022)
Machining Templates:
Soft Wood Machining Template (V1-2) (07.09.2022)
White Foam Machining Template (V1-2) (19.09.2022)
Extra Machining Templates:
2D CNC Sheet Material - Plywood Machining Template (V1-1) (20.03.2023)
Soft Wood Extra Machining Template (V1-2) (20.03.2023)
White Foam Extra Machining Template (V1-1) (20.03.2023)
Booking Process
Upload your programmed Autodesk 360 Archive File (.f3d) to WeTransfer (Get Transfer link) and paste the link in the provided field in the quote submission form.
Fill in the form and we will notify you with a quote.
Once payment is made, we will email you for job collection.
If you have any questions please email adp.dmaf@sydney.edu.au
CNC Quote Submission Form
You can also use this form to submit CNC questions
Nanako Reza

Miriam Osburn