Model Gallery
Student work from the Sydney School of Architecture Design and Planning
For Model Gallery Submissions click here.
Kangyun Kim - Theatre in Blues Bay, North Sydney (3D printing with stone paint finish)
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Kangyun Kim
Caleb Niethe - laser cut birchwood
Caleb Niethe - laser cut birchwood, balsa
Caleb Niethe - ceramic 3D printing, plaster casting, balsa wood
Caleb Niethe
Joanna Keen - 3d printed PLA on jelutong timber
Anna Ke - plaster and birch plywood
Anna Ke - Handcut basswood and 3D printed PLA on a CNC foam base
Dylan Froude - cnc foam, 3D printed pla massing and laser cut basswood
Dylan Froude - laser cut basswood and pine massing blocks
Dylan Froude - laser cut basswood, paper, bronze rods
Connolly Wilkins - Plaster
Connolly Wilkins - Laser-cut 1.5mm screen board, using deep scoring to curve it, with a laser-cut 3mm plywood layered base.
Jade Grayson
Jacob Levy - powder print on timber
Jacob Levy - powder print on jelutong CNC base
Hofung Ko
Hofung Ko
Kate Riley
Sofia Swift - basswood, brass, perspex, cotton paper
Sofia Swift - basswood, brass, perspex, cotton paper
Miriam Osburn - CNC base, machine cut timber, folded paper and brass rod.
Miriam Osburn
Nick Woolley - resin print and cnc timber
Nick Woolley - resin print and cnc timber
Rachel Liang
Sophie Peterson - powder print and cnc timber base
Sophie Peterson
Grad Show 2019 - BDes Architecture
Grad Show 2019 - BDes Architecture
Grad Show 2019 - BDes Architecture
Grad Show 2019 - BDes Architecture
Grad Show 2019 - BDes Architecture
Juthamas Marsh
Leanne Meng
Maddie Gallagher
Lauren Maley
Yijie (Betty) Liu
Nicola Shear
Nicola Shear - Plaster cast of 3D printed mould, 3D powder printed dome, CNC timber.
Grace Lee
Grace Lee
Mia Evans-Liauw
Jake Zekun Qin
Daiming Damian Zhu
Natalia Harasymiuk - 3D Printed PLA and Laser cut Basswood with a CNC timber base.
Elizabeth Cox - "Constructed Topography.'' (2018) The model is made of ochre-tinted plaster, stained basswood and painted plywood on a white foam base.
Elizabeth Cox - "Constructed Topography.'' (2018)
Connor Tan - basswood and stained timber
Connor Tan - basswood and stained timber
Karin Ke
Anton Luc Bucich - machine cut, lathe turned and cnc routed timber
Nanako Reza - Urban Oasis: white foam CNC
Nanako Reza - Urban Oasis: white foam CNC
Nanako Reza - Urban Oasis: white foam CNC
Nanako Reza - Urban Oasis: timber blocks with lasercut acrylic
Annalise Blatchford - Hand cut basswood and balsa wood on CNC jelutong wood base.
Tina Yun - laser cut acrylic and basswood
Tina Yun - laser cut basswood, screen board and acrylic on walnut base
Tina Yun - laser cut basswood, screen board and acrylic on walnut base
Jinu Park - Horizon Lamp for Object Design - 1.07 grade polished zincanneal, brass cuphead nails, silverash timber, sandblasted perspex and cork sheets.
Jinu Park - Horizon Lamp for Object Design - 1.07 grade polished zincanneal, brass cuphead nails, silverash timber, sandblasted perspex and cork sheets.
Jinu Park - Horizon Lamp for Object Design - 1.07 grade polished zincanneal, brass cuphead nails, silverash timber, sandblasted perspex and cork sheets.
Stefenie Lai - Powder Print
Stefenie Lai - Powder Print
Stefenie Lai - Powder Print
Stefenie Lai - Powder Print
If you are interested in submitting your work please visit the gallery form below.